Family Support Resources
Beaverbrook STEP provides Family Support Services in partnership with over 200 family members, advocates and guardians. Over the past 50 years we have established strong linkages with family members in order to promote family participation and involvement, provide education and support, and optimize community services. STEP services focus on inclusion, equity and diversity for everyone.
STEP has an active Family Support Group comprised of parents, adult siblings, guardians and other involved caretakers. Families are also involved in many capacities within the organization - as members of the Board of Directors, mentors, volunteers and committee members. Input from our families is continuously sought and encouraged; family members and guardians are considered crucial links to community ties for individuals served and for the organization as a whole.
The long term focus is to support individuals/families receiving services, providing them with the resources necessary to determine their own personal life vision. Services are designed to maximize communication and mutual support and include:
As family members, what do you like the most about Beaverbrook STEP services?
"Individualized services."
"Awesome staff."
"Dedicated staff at all levels of responsibility."
"Friendliness and courtesy of staff."
"Flexibility around accommodating needs of our family member and us."
"Staff is competent, caring and responsive."
"The staff is great and professional."
"Your dedication to people with special needs is fantastic."
STEP provides respite care and in-home services for families who have an adult family member living at home. These services are available using traditional or self-directed service models.
Beaverbrook STEP provides 2 types of respite care services designed to relieve the primary caretaker: Site Based and In Home.
Site Based Respite: STEP has 3 site-based respite care beds available for short or longer term care. Supervised by experienced staff, each participant is offered the company of peers with whom they share meals, leisure activities and community outings in a relaxed setting.
In Home Respite: This service occurs in the home of the individual/family, providing a time away for the primary caregiver. Respite care can be used for relief for a few hours per week, an occasional overnight or for a longer time period.
Beaverbrook STEP is approved by the MA Department of Development Services as an Agency with Choice provider. Through this program, individuals/families can choose to use their DDS family support funds to direct their own home based respite and support services through development of a partnership with Beaverbrook STEP. Together we work to design, develop and implement a personally directed service agreement plan that includes some or all of the following services.
• Educational Workshops such as “Guardianship and Estate Planning,” “What Adult Siblings Want Parents to Know,”
and “Communicating with Caretakers.”
• Social Events, including the Annual Community Advocates Board/Family Support BBQ.
• Two regularly issued publications: “Family Support News,” and “Advocacy Update.”
• Research and program information and web links to important on-line resources.
• A Health Care and Elders Resource Library at the STEP business office.
• Companion Services support an individual to successfully live at home with supervision, socialization and non
medical care.
• Respite Care (see above).
• Individualized Home Supports provide part-time supports tailored to support an individual to establish, live in and
maintain a home of his or her own.
• Individualized Day Support Services provide day supports tailored to each participant’s specific personal goals and
outcomes related work, community participation and/or retirement.
• Homemaker Services provide assistance with general household tasks when the caregiver is absent or unable to
• Community Peer Support Services enhance the skills of the family so the individual can function in the home and
• Community/Home Family Training services provide training to enhance the skills of the individuals to function in
the community or family home.
• Family Navigation refers to unbiased expert information and referral supports designed to assist families to
identify needs, access generic resources and coordinate services between the family and other providers.
85 Main St., 2nd floor
Watertown, MA 02472
Tel: (617) 926-1113
Fax: (617) 926-1226